World of Warcraft: This and That

by George Rakushkin

  • Welcome!

    Hey everyone, hope you all enjoy the guides posted here on this blog! Any questions or comments - please put them in the comment boxes, thank you!

Daily Update: Radrussian

Posted by entertainnn On 5:31 PM 0 comments

    Yea, I know I said that I would be posting updates within the first hour of the next day, but whatever, If I have time to write now, then what the hell.
    So nothing much has changed, I leveled 2 times, and am now level 7. Instead of going to the village with all the trolls, I just went straight to Razor Hill, killing stuff along the way. I picked up all the quests there and started the Encroachment Quest. I also got the Mining Profession. Besides this character, I also have a level 75 Orc Hunter, but I got bored of him. I was a leather worker and Skinner, and I wanted to try something new. Plus, mining in the upper levels gives you some nice $$$. Anyways, heres the basic updates on what changed so far today:
I decided to give myself 100 gold from my other character, for the next 10 levels or so, to make progress a bit faster.

I guess that's all for now, I'll check back in later when I have played some more, or have come up with something to post about.

New Character!

Posted by entertainnn On 5:30 PM 0 comments

    Well, technically he isn't new, but I made him a few days ago, and I didn't know I was going to be doing this back then. So far, here's the basic rundown of him/his specs.

Name: Radrussian (I made the character after watching the southpark episode W.T.F. If you don't know..don't ask)
Level: 5
Health: 144/144
Mana: 140/140
Race/Class: Orc Hunter

Here are his stats:
Attack Speed: 2.00 (ranged)
Dmg: 11-19 (ranged)

DPS: 7.5 (ranged)
Money: 22c


I'd say that's pretty much it. I will try to play today and post tomorrow. He's only level 5 so it's going to be tough. The beginning always sucks, so whatever.
Until tomorrow,

Posted by entertainnn On 5:27 PM 0 comments

First Post!

    Yeah, so heres my blog. Err, rather one of them. I have a whole site dedicated to stuff like gaming, tech, and other crap. But it's in the making, and always being modified and changed (as it's only been up for about a month). You can check that out here.
    Anyways, so this site is going to follow me as I bombard my way through World of Warcraft. You can expect posts to be daily. Since I usually play in the evening, I'll have my posts published within the first hour of the next day (Eastern Coast Time).  
    So I guess that's it. The actual first post of my character is going to be posted either later today or the first hour of tomorrow, as promised.
Cya then.

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