World of Warcraft: This and That

by George Rakushkin

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Daily Update: Radrussian - Oct 31

Posted by entertainnn On 6:19 PM 0 comments

So, not much has changed since yestarday. I leveled 2ce again, and bought a new axe at a weapons merchant. I also acquired the Herbalism skill, so my professions are herbalist and miner. They are both new to me and I have no idea what the hell I am doing with them, but hopefully, something will work out.
I went down to Sen Jin village (or whatever it's called, the place with all the trolls, south of Razor Hill) and decided to do some quests there, as I don't want to go to Orgrimmar until I'm lvl 12. And I don't want to grind for 3 levels.

Here are the pics: 



Not much difference in money, I think I might give my lvl 80 back the 100g to make this char more realistic..

This is when I was dropping some stuff off at venders at Razor Hill:

I also got a new spell called Concussive Shot:


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