Leveling from 275-300
Finally, we'll head to the plaguelands to level to 300 before heading to the Outlands. Enter from Tirisfal Glades or Chillwind camp and do the loop. When you run past Plaguebloom make a mental note of where it is to come by later. Once you hit 285 turn around and run by all the plaguebloom you saw and you should hit 300 before returning to Chillwind/Tirisfal Glades.Western Plaguelands Herbalism
Leveling from 300-350
Next, this guide sends you to Outlands to learn level 300+, your faction's Herbalism trainer are located:- Rorelien Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula
- Ruak Stronghorn Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula
Leveling from 350-400
To learn Grand Master Herbalism at level 350:- Dorothy Egan Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran
- Kirea Moondancer (Alliance) in Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra)
- Fayin Whisperleaf (Alliance) in Valgarde (Howling Fjord)
- Marjory Kains (Horde) in Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord)
- Tansy Wildmane (Horde) in Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra)
Leveling from 400-435
At 400 you can head to Sholazar Basin where you can continue picking Tiger Lily and Goldclover while also begin picking Adder's Tongue. Stay here until 435 when you can finally pick Icethorn and Lichbloom in Storm Peaks.Leveling from 435-450
This guide finishes with levels 435-450, you can head over across Icecrown while picking Icethorn and into Storm Peaks where you can follow this route to 450 picking Icethorn and Lichbloom. There's tons of it here and it's a huge zone. Make sure if you don't use this stuff you sell it on the Auction House.I hope you enjoyed this guide!
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