Mining 1 to 65 - Copper
Undead - Tirisfal Glades - The undead path for this mining leveling guide is fairly simple. You can pick a starting point anywhere on the line and just run the path mining along the way. If you are low level you may want to take into consideration areas on the map that might be too high for you to cross, if that is the case then just skip them and meet up with the path further down while leveling your mining.Tauren - Mulgore - Mulgore is just a big oval so this mining route is really simple to run while leveling. Mob levels and aggro are not that important of a factor since you'll be sticking to the outer edges of the map you should be fine following this part guide. You may want to skip leveling mining in the Venture Co Mine if you are too low of a level.
Orc & Troll - Durotar - This mining route is shorter than the others above, but just as efficient for leveling. Durotar is full of mountains and you could probably develop your own mining route if this one doesn't work for you. I like to keep the mining leveling routes nice and simple in this guide. Durotar is a deformed piece of land and you would have to run all over the place to utilize a full mining circuit of it which can be tedious while leveling.
Blood Elves - Eversong Woods - This route is the simplest route to follow. There are other mines near West Sanctum and West of Sunsail Anchorage but if you're looking for simplicity this is the route to take. The Deadscar is loaded with mines so if you get bored of going in circles I've added a point you can break off at halfway through.
Human - Elwynn Forest - This mining path is for this part of the guide is kind of obvious since Elwynn forest isn't surrounded by mountains on all 4 sides. Remember that when you get to the south river border and head northwest to Goldshire that there are two mines on the way back to town.Night Elves - Darkshore - Darnassus is pretty ghetto so you have to come to Darkshore to do your mining leveling. Darkshore is a huge zone so to ease the pain there are two mining routes you can alternate between which are both highlighted in the map zone guide.
Dwarves & Gnomes - Dun Morogh - I pretty much just randomly picked a mining route that I've used before for leveling. You can literally make your own mining leveling route in this zone because it is so mountainous. Just stick to the mountain edges, caves, and rises in land and you'll be set to mine in this zone as shown in the zone mining map guide below.
Draenei - Azuremyst isle - There are two caves you want to hit up. If you are low enough level to get experience in the cave to the north you could basically just sit in there and grind / mine at the same time. If not then follow the entire route. There's kind of a dead spot transition while going to the next good area when you go passed the lakes but it's that or loop back the way you came, either is fine.
Mining 66-125 - Tin and Silver
Horde and Alliance
The Barrens
Once again if you decided to not smelt through these beginning levels of the mining guide you can do these mining routes as horde or alliance, PVP server or not. There are some tips and tricks to making gold that I use to just buy all the leveling supplies I need. If you run to the southern regions of barrens be sure you are capable of fighting level 25 mobs effectively otherwise you may want to consider halving this route through the lower level areas while your following the mining leveling guide on the zone map below.Wetlands
This wetlands route focuses mainly around the two marked caves. If you're around the level of the zone you can grind in the caves and not leave. There are also other node spawns in the cave besides Tin/Silver that can be mined for skill ups.In addition to these mining routes above you could also perform full circuits of Wetlands, Ashenvale, and Redridge mountains for this part of the mining guide.
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