Level: 10 - 25
- Control: Horde
- Recommended Levels: 10-28
With so many players packed in one place, it also isn't uncommon for general chat (often called 'Barrens Chat') to go in rather unexpected (and sometimes offensive) directions.
While the area around Crossroad is a host for mobs and quest around level 10-14, the farther one goes south, the higher level the mobs become.
Horde Safe Zone
The Crossroads
The Crossroads (often abbreviated "XR") is the major Horde city in this zone and should be the destination of any newcomers to the zone.Camp Taurajo
Another Horde settlement, this one can be considered an 'half-way' point between Crossroad and the Thousand Needle. It also provide a much needed flight path which makes travel over the huge zone more bearable. Taurens coming to the Crossroad will encounter Camp Tarujo first.The Gold Road
A great road that spawn the entire barrens from the north all the way down to the south.Far Watch Post
Far Watch is a small Horde camp at the bridge between the Barrens and Durator. While there are a handful of npcs here, there isn't much for the player to do but walk past. The continuation of the Rage Fire Chasm line does take you here for a brief pit stop however.Shrine of the Fallen Warrior
High above a mountain and hard to reach, is the final resting place of a great warrior.Mor'shan Rampart and Mor'shan Base Camp
The wall rampart separating Ashenvale and the Barrens and the base camp for the warsong outriders. This is the last line of defense (or the vanguard of the attack on Ashenvale, depending how you look at it) between the Orcs and the Night Elves.Honor's Stand
There's not much left of this former Horde camp, war with the Centaurs has taken its toll.Neutral Spots
Despite the fact that the Barrens is a Horde zone, there is a neutral city in here, Ratchet. Belonging to the Steamwheedle Cartel, the town is an important quest hub and also provide a flight path for both Horde and Alliance. Ratchet also links the zone by boat to Stranglethorn Vale.Leveling Spots
The barrens are huge and include many things that aren't included in the sub zones below.Thorn Hill, Bramble Scar, Agama'gor, Blackthorn Ridge
Those regions are controlled by the Quillboars, native creature to the Barrens. Their legends speak of their god's battle with the Burning Legion thousands of years ago. When wounded, his blood would splatter on the ground, and great thorn covered roots would grow from such spots. To honor their god, the Quillboars' tribes located themselves near those briarthorns.The Quillboars' war-like tendency makes them a threat to the Horde settlement in the region.
Dreadmist Peak
Dreadmist host a covent of Burning Legion worshipper, which the Horde would gladly be rid off.The Dry Hills
Farther north in the barrens, are hills covered with dried out husk of trees. The harpies have found this place to their liking and do not tolerate intruders.The Sludge Fens & Boulder Lode Mine
Those two area are controlled by unscrupulous goblins who have split off from the Steamwheedle Cartle and who still stoop to any level for profit.A word of warning, while there are several quests taking you to fight those goblins, they are generally considered some of the roughest (for their levels, of course) quests in the zone. Grabbing a friend (even if the quests aren't marked as group quests) is highly recommended.
The Forgotten Pools, Lushwater Pool, The Stagnant Oasis
Key to unlocking the mysteries of the Barrens, those 3 great oasis provide water for the numerous games and inhabitant of the Barrens. The Kolkar Centaur Tribe have war camps close to those pools, from which they can raid the nearby Horde settlement.The Merchant Coast
Ironically enough, the Merchant Coast is home to a gang of vicious pirates who actually pray on the merchant ship that board Ratchet.Northwatch Hold
Remaining force from Admiral Proudmore's Army, Northwatch Hold is a thorn in the side of any Horde ship that would come within range of its cannons.The Tidus Stair
The Tidus Stairs hold great elemental powers and are home to one of the Horde's most powerful shaman.Fray Island
Fray Island is host to gladiatorial combat. No Horde Warrior's training is complete without a visit there.Field of Giants
Named so for it's giant insect like inhabitants, the field of giant is a strange and dangerous place that foreshadow an even greater threat.Raptor Grounds
The Raptor of the barrens are a cunning lot. Too cunning maybe, since some of them have started showing sign of intelligence. Raptor ground would appear to be their village.Bael Modan
Formerly a Tauren village, Bael Modan was raised, destroyed and renamed by the Dwarven Explorers League because they believe archaeological proof of their past could be unearthed here. The dwarves have already build a keep and defense around the the excavation site, and they are set on defending it from the Horde.Instances
There are three instances in this zone catering to level ranges between 15 and 41, with a variety of decent loot available for all levels.Dungeon Name | Level Range |
The Wailing Caverns | 15 - 23 |
Razorfen Kraul | 24 - 33 |
Razorfen Downs | 34 - 41 |
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