World of Warcraft: This and That

by George Rakushkin

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Char Update: Radrussian - Nov 7

Posted by entertainnn On 9:49 AM 0 comments

        Hey, what's up. So, Radrussian is level 11 now, and I have a Raptor as my pet. I'm kinda stuck grinding for the next few levels, until I get to 14 (at which point I can go to the Barrens), because I've finished all the quests in the area. Hopefully, I'll be in Barrens by tomorrow. On another note, I got over 200G, cause my stacks of copper and peacebloom sold, and I also sold a pair of Trollwoven Spaulders for 130G, so money is not going to be a problem for the next 20 levels or so. Anyways, here are the pics:

As I mentioned above, I got a raptor. He is level 10 right now.
You can see his icon underneath mine :)

I guess nothing much has changed regarding stats.

Here's the gold I was talking about. Iss Niiicee.

I might as well put up one of these every now and then, to see how my action bars change over time.

And as usual, I am nowhere special. Orgrimmar.


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