Level: 10
Attain: 10
Side: Horde
Attain: 10
Side: Horde
Bring Gryshka's Letter to Doras in Orgrimmar.Gryshka's Letter (Provided)
I've written a letter of thanks to Zargh. Will you deliver it for me? If you've already been to the Crossroads and spoken with their wind rider master, then you can fly a wind rider back there.Take my letter to Doras, the wind rider master of Orgrimmar, and speak with him about transport to the Crossroads.
Do you need one of my wind riders?Completion
You have to get this to the Crossroads in the Barrens? Yes, I can get you there...Reputation
+25 reputation with Orgrimmar+25 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
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