Level: 10
Attain: 10
Side: Horde
Attain: 10
Side: Horde
Bring Zargh's Meats to Devrak in the Crossroads.Zargh's Meats (Provided)
I have some choice cuts of meat that I want to send to a friend. Her name is Gryshka, the innkeeper in Orgrimmar. Will you deliver the meat for me?The fastest way to Orgrimmar is on a wind rider. Take the meats to the Crossroads wind rider master, Devrak, and speak with him about transport to Orgrimmar.
You need to get somewhere fast? Then you're talking to the right orc!Completion
You have to get this meat to Orgrimmar? That is no problem. For a small fee, my wind rider can take you there.Reputation
+25 reputation with Orgrimmar+25 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
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